Pharmacy, clinic – special protection of business designations
Apart from the regulatory thicket concerning the products or services involved Polish law provides mandatory provisions related to generic (descriptive) names the entrepreneurs active in above mentioned sectors are entitled to use. This includes the name “apteka” (a pharmacy or a drugstore) for businesses operating on the retail level of the sale of drugs and providing particular pharmaceutical services. It is regulated in the Act of 2001 Pharmaceutical Law (ISAP). Another restriction stipulated in the Act of 2011 on Medical Services (ISAP) refers to the generic name “klinika” (clinic) and adjective forms thereof, i.e. “kliniczny” (clinical) or “uniwersytecki” (university). See more: PUBLICATIONS: Nazwy rodzajowe na rynku usług leczniczych oraz farmaceutycznych – z problematyki ochrony oznaczeń przedsiębiorstwa…