Academic Seminar: „Der Mensch als Bürger und Konsument“
From 21 until 23 June 2017 at the University of Bayreuth, the 4th Junior Researcher Workshop of University of Bayreuth and Adam-Mickiewicz-University of Poznań (“Der Mensch als Bürger und Konsument“) took place. The participants, employees, doctoral candidates and students at the faculties of law at the University of Bayreuth and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan gave presentations on a series of topical issues in English and in German.
In focus of the presentations and discussions were mainly topics connected to consumer protection law. This was discussed in terms of general civil law, as well of industry-specific legislation (telecommunications, transportation, energy, finance). The most recent EU legislation, as well as the judgements of ECJ were also intensively discussed.
During the closing panel Dr Nestoruk gave a lecture entitled „Neue Kompetenzen der polnischen Verbraucherschutzbehörde – vom Testkauf bis zum Fernsehshow”.
See also in NEWS: Konsument in der EU – Neue Herausforderungen…